Do you ever walk into furniture? Furniture, you usually circumnavigate without a single thought? Today I walked right into the corner of a desk: #%@*&!!
Now, I use Chris' copier every week, tapping an impatient foot at the slooowww machine, snatching my papers as I dash around her desk back to my corner of the office - No Problem!
Not today. Muttering several bad words under my breath, seeing stars (I never see tweeting birds! Someone inform the cartoon artists), I marvel at my clumsiness. How? Why?
Chris was not at her desk today - which messed up my auto-pilot trajectory. Instead of circling wide, I circled, well, into her desk. Funny, how a small change can have big consequences (Trust me, it's a doozy of a bruise). Get well, Chris, the office is dangerous without you!